A Washington sheriff shot back at the NFL over a statement it made about how his office handled information requests into a domestic violence investigation against New York Giants kicker Josh Brown.
"Nowhere on the request does he say that he works for the NFL and so, we don't know that it's the NFL and we're not gonna give it out anyway, so we denied it," Urquhart said. "'NFL, National Football League,' he could have (said) any of that."
The King County Sheriff's office investigated Brown -- a former Seahawks player -- for domestic violence in 2015 but dropped the misdemeanor charge the within days of Brown's arrest in Woodinville, Washington, last May.
The sheriff's office, though, released more than 150 pages of documents on Wednesday that showed the Brown of physically and verbally abused his ex-wife her more than 20 times.
Brown received a one-game suspension from the league earlier this season but now plans to review the new information.
Urquhart admitted that other investigators identified themselves as NFL representatives but that they were denied since it was an open investigation. Urquhart said if the league had gone through proper public disclosure channels, the request would have gone straight to him, who would have been able to help out more.
"I would have said exactly the same thing, 'We cannot release the case file.' But since this is a hot-button item in the NFL, since it's the NFL, we probably would have told them orally a little bit more about what we had," he said, adding that "I don't like to get pushed around by a bully."
The league released the following full statement regarding Brown's case:
"NFL investigators made repeated attempts -- both orally and in writing -- to obtain any and all evidence and relevant information in this case from the King County Sheriff's Office. Each of those requests was denied and the Sheriff's Office declined to provide any of the requested information, which ultimately limited our ability to fully investigate this matter. We concluded our own investigation, more than a year after the initial incident, based on the facts and evidence available to us at the time and after making exhaustive attempts to obtain information in a timely fashion. It is unfortunate that we did not have the benefit or knowledge of these materials at the time.
"In light of the release of these documents yesterday, we will thoroughly review the additional information and determine next steps in the context of the NFL Personal Conduct Policy. We will not be making any comments on potential discipline until that time."